Little things
The little things, how many times I've heard the phrase, "the little things that count," perhaps it is true, but I wonder why that is only positive, but if there is little discomfort, unnecessary concerns. But this is not so, the macro events are certainly fundamental, but the individual small events, are no less important, like the rest of a division, are for the total. If it is true that little things can make us happy, why is not it the opposite? Yes, it is true, the small inconveniences, especially when accompanied with one another in an endless sequence that seems designed the first desk. Sometimes you see them arrive, or you have an inkling unknown, the fact is that arrive, and like a train without brakes on the siding, there is no way to avoid it, whatever you do. The big disasters hit hard, but look at you in the face while they do it and if you have the forces, you can get up and fight, at least you know what your opponent. But small ones are subtle, their little account for the slight discomfort that you create, just a superficial cut. And suddenly, to strong to ignore them, you find yourself full of wounds untreated, infected and painful, which does not kill, but sap.
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