This is one of those places that barely know how to begin, so I guess they figured if the development and conclusion.
I want to do, despite the heat, I have a thousand and one thing and the interesting thing is that something I can do, the truth is that I am in a period that is anything but still, at last something is moving on its own account or on my drive, but it moves, and this is a good thing. It moves but I do not see an end, as if everything becomes agitated incereto, without direction, each path is short and back to the starting point or so away, wandering aimlessly as usual, but beaten up though unknown, instead of opening new solo tracks, but each path is exhausted quickly, leaving many questions open. Perhaps there is only one road to take and follow it even when it seems to have run out, but all the others? seems to be no better than others, and no promises at all. It 's damn hard to explain, even I do not understand it. Maybe Let me explain this:
imagine you have 30 new shirts, half gave them to you, the other half you bought them there because they are cheap. Nothing makes you mad, but all you like, and you know that are better than T 0.
However, it remains a fact, it would be better to have only 2 shirts but beautiful? those required by a lifetime, those which do not drop anything?
not think of that dissatisfaction or utopian living, I am aware that life never gives us what we want (or almost) and you have contentment, but one fact remains: I open the closet and I do not know what to put.